
早教| 2-5岁的男孩和女孩


受意大利雷焦-艾米利亚市早期教育专业人士实践的启发 早期的学校 是否采用了类似的方法来创造所谓的“涌现” 课程-教师与学生合作,根据学生表达的兴趣设计项目或调查. 这样,孩子天生的好奇心就成为了他们学习的引擎. 接触到这种方法的学生往往会变得更加自信, 更加独立的, 也更有能力捍卫自己的教育, 而不是被动地依赖于老师提供的直接指导. 即使在这么早的几年里, 学生们证明自己越来越有能力关心自己的学习环境以及他人的需要, 从而迈出成为“有道德责任感”公民的第一步.

老师们密切关注每个学生对集体社区的贡献, 鼓励合作,同时尊重学生的进度和表现. The practical skills and more academic understandings that students will inevitably need to succeed as they continue upward in 学习螺旋 从调查中有机地浮现出来. 这样,学习就变成了一种发现、发明和惊奇的经历.

  • The program serves girls two to four years of age and boys two to five and is the only one of its kind in the Charleston area.
  • 领导教师和主任均具有教育专业硕士学位. They work collaboratively to provide a prepared environment that promotes individualized learning through hands-on p艺术icipation.
  • 孩子们每天上法语课. 因为幼儿最好通过对话来学习第二语言, 学生通过一种改良的浸入式方法接触法语.
  •  早期学校的特色是 工作室,或者是艺术空间,让年轻学生在日常探索中融入创造力. 它是由 atelierista-或艺术老师-鼓励孩子们通过歌曲来表达他们的知识和观察, 运动, 和艺术.
  • 所有早教年级的学生全年都在室内游泳池享受每周一次的游泳课.




Students begin the transition from Reggio-Emilia-inspired instruction into a more modified approach which will equip them for the experience they will encounter in Kinderg艺术en and throughout their years in 较低的学校. 虽然学生们在幼儿园到四年级接受了更多的指导, 这里仍然明确强调与紧急策略一致的其他策略 课程 目标. This is evident in our integration of academic standards into student-directed projects and more pronouncedly in our language 艺术 instruction, 从学习单元中衍生出的技术, 由哥伦比亚大学师范学院开发. 阅读和写作是通过工作坊的方式教授的. 这些方法使学生成为热心而熟练的读者、作家和探究者. 这些课程强调每个学生指导自己的阅读和写作项目发展的重要性, 指导但不受正式指导和同行评审的支配.

类项目, 由学生设计和开发,其方式类似于十大网赌平台推荐的调查 早期的学校, provide for 协作s allowing students to realize their own discoveries and thereby continue to feel more fully p艺术icipatory in their own education. 这种信心是……的关键目标之一 十大最好的网赌平台的使命, and we are constantly seeking to create opportunities for students to assume responsibility for their activities both in and out of the classroom. 这些合作鼓励跨学科研究,向学生揭示看似不同的“学科”是如何的, 事实上, mutually reinforcing disciplines—an understanding which lays the foundation for their future course work in Humanities and the interdisciplinary Oral Defense Projects and Senior Theses in 上学校.

  • The 较低的学校 offers a dedicated science laboratory with weekly hands-on instruction and field trips held throughout the year.
  • A full-time guidance counselor serves on faculty offering individualized attention to the physical and 情感 needs of each girl.
  • 为了鼓励年轻的女工程师,低年级设有自己的乐高团队. Lego activities introduce students to real-world 工程 challenges by having them build Lego-based robots that are coded to complete specific tasks.
  • 日常数学 是课程的重要组成部分吗. 由芝加哥大学开发, 日常数学 强调数学在现实世界中的应用.
  • 低年级扫盲计划使用学习单元, 由哥伦比亚大学师范学院开发, 培养学生对文字的热爱,支持学生独立学习, 自信的读者和作家.    
  • Every kinderg艺术ener takes violin or cello and all students have the opportunity to p艺术icipate in a variety of music lessons including strings, 钢琴, 和吉他.




也许无处可去 学习螺旋 is the challenge to help our students acquire the skills they will need to “meet the challenges of society with confidence” more acute than in 中间的程序. 女孩, 10到14岁对他们的身体发育尤为重要, 情感, 智力发展. 社会 concerns begin to occupy more of students’ time and attention 同时 as their academic duties become more and more demanding. 生理变化会加剧女孩们正在经历的认知失调. 认识到所有这些因素, we have designed a two-year sequence of instruction for the fifth and sixth grades that emphasizes the 十大最好的网赌平台 Hallmarks of compassion, 洞察力, 协作, 情报, 创造力, 意志坚强, 和世俗. A central component of this 课程 is our STEAM program—a cross-curricular project synthesizing students’ studies in science, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学. 这种方法包括向学生介绍基本的机器人和编码, while encouraging them to see more clearly the various ways in which these different disciplines overlap and interact in surprising ways.

因为这几年对十大网赌平台推荐的女儿来说是非常重要的, we have taken pains to build a dedicated team of teachers who work closely with one another to coordinate their respective course contents and insure that each student is given the guidance she needs to make the transition from elementary school to the academic and social environment of 上学校 (七至十二年级).

  • This two-year program is specifically designed for the pre-adolescent years and gives individualized attention to each girl during this critical time of 情感 and physical development.
  • 强调学习技巧,以确保学生为高中快节奏的生活做好准备.
  • STEAM科学, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学)课程从中级课程开始. 年轻的学生被鼓励去探索和追求这些传统上没有女性代表的兴趣领域.
  • 学生参加艺术轮转,使他们接触视觉艺术和音乐.
  • 自信和自我表达是通过正式的演讲课程建立起来的. 女孩们经常出现在她们的同学面前,也经常出现在特别的集会上.
  • 中级课程的学生通过排球等班塔姆运动项目参加学校的正式体育项目, 篮球, 和网球.

下载中级课程(五年级) & 6)概述



当学生进入 上学校 在詹金斯大厅,他们在生活的各个方面都经历了加速的脉搏. All of the preparation they have undergone in preceding years now begins to bear fruit in more sophisticated applications of their acquired skills and understandings. Humanities classes conducted as student-directed conversations around a Harkness Table encourage each student to p艺术icipate on equal terms with her classmates in a manner reminiscent of the investigations she enjoyed as a child in the Early Education Center. The Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) used to assess her fluency in French or Spanish reinforces her understanding of these languages as instruments with which to unlock the doors to other cultures and, 同时, 让她有信心更充分地成为世界公民.

每一年,学生们都在 上学校 discover more opportunities to exercise their critical thinking through interdisciplinary studies such as those required by the Oral Defense Project (ODP), 毕业论文, 和高级项目. Each of these activities include a public presentation at which students demonstrate their command of multiple disciplines as they pertain to a single essential question, 从而展示他们在这些研究领域中获得的权威.

As 上学校 学生准备冒险到世界以外的阿什利霍尔的物理边界, 这样的世界也来到了十大网赌平台推荐的校园. 国际寄宿学生谁住在 伊丽莎白·里弗斯·勒万54年全球研究学院毕业 以各种方式丰富十大网赌平台推荐社区的知识和文化生活. 他们的出现每天都在提醒人们,阿什利霍尔存在于一个网络中,而不是一个虚拟世界, 而是一个真正的全球社交网络, 政治, 经济, 文化社区. 学生退出了这一阶段的终身学习 学习螺旋 牢记他们对这些社区的义务.

  • 上学校’s younger students—seventh and eighth graders—receive individualized attention that ensures a successful transition into 上学校 life.
  • 从八年级开始, 学生通过菲利普埃克塞特学院发展的哈克尼斯哲学探索人文学科. 放置在椭圆形哈克尼斯桌子周围,这样每个人都能看到和听到, 学生们通过分享想法和观点来学习批判性思维.
  • 大学咨询在九年级开始认真准备学生的正式申请过程.
  • 高中以强调实践经验的强大科学课程为特色. Students capitalize on p艺术nerships with the Medical University of South Carolina working closely with leading researchers in various fields of medicine.
  • Fine 艺术 opportunities abound with many girls p艺术icipating in the school’s renowned Red Choir and Show Choir or various theater productions. 通过素描和绘画以及雕塑探索视觉艺术.
  • The International Boarding Program begins in ninth grade and brings girls from around the world to study at 十大最好的网赌平台 offering a global perspective to our campus.


下载鹦鹉螺程序(7年级) & 8)概述


阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.