

教育资源 at 十大最好的网赌平台 | Charleston, South Carolina

欢迎来到阿什利霍尔教育资源页面, 提供有关教育适时主题的简短文章, 育儿, 女孩的教育, 健康, 还有更多. At 十大最好的网赌平台, we’re passionate about our work and enjoy sharing our research and insights with you.


虽然这一年给十大网赌平台推荐学校带来了难以估量的挑战, 学生, 教师, 员工们仍然有时间拥抱和庆祝欢乐. Hear from 上学校 Dean of Students Kelly Sumner as she shares 6 ways 十大最好的网赌平台 学生 have stayed connected this year.


10 Ways to Maintain Calm When 应用ing to College During a Pandemic

10 Ways to Maintain Calm When 应用ing to College During a Pandemic // 十大最好的网赌平台

College Counseling at 十大最好的网赌平台 is more than a student resource—it’s an area of significant emphasis woven into the school’s 上学校 program. 从九年级开始, 学生 become active participants in the college search process and are offered unlimited one-on-one meetings and the chance to interact with many college representatives. 作为初中, all girls meet regularly with Director of College Counseling Amanda Murrell, 谁单独负责每个学生的申请, 论文, and scholarships and ensures the application process is not anxiety-filled. 结果? Graduates who have a clear understanding of who they are and where they would like to attend school—and how to juggle the pressures of getting there. 要下载该资源,请单击下面的按钮. 

10 Ways to Maintain Calm When 应用ing to College During a Pandemic



今年春天早些时候, 邮报和信使报(查尔斯顿), explored 十大最好的网赌平台’s unique philosophy and signature programming that empower girls to confidently become their best selves. 要阅读全文,请点击下面的按钮.

十大最好的网赌平台’s Confidence Pipeline Empowers Girls in 社会 Media Age 



We are excited to share our NEW downloadable 十大最好的网赌平台插图 coloring book, 适合所有年龄段的阿什利霍尔女孩. 通过使用标签与十大网赌平台推荐分享您完成的页面 #poweredbypqv. 要下载完整的着色书,请点击下面的按钮.




In response to the disruptions and challenges associated with COVID-19, 十大最好的网赌平台’s Departments of Counseling and Student Life offer the following guidance and resources to help families better understand, 回复, 处理复杂的情况.


5 Reasons Why I Love Being the Director of an All-Girls 较低的学校

阿什利霍尔低年级主任波莉R. Kronsberg recently shared why she loves her job directing an all-girls lower school. From living in community to helping girls use their voices and harness their creativity, 她喜欢把女孩放在一切事物的中心.



Who better than 十大最好的网赌平台 to offer help with educational gift ideas?! Our latest Educational Resource has been carefully curated by librarians, 艾米丽·戴维斯和艾琳·利贝尔, 和特色的终极教育礼品指南. These gift ideas are sure to engage and enrich your child this year and beyond. 祝你在阿什利大厅享受快乐的假期!


Managing a Meltdown: Guiding Girls Through the Steps to Self-Awareness and Resolution

研究女孩和焦虑的专家Lisa Damour博士说.D.是一位心理学家,畅销书作家,每月出版一本 纽约时报 专栏作家, CBS十大最好的网赌平台 贡献者.



12 Questions to Master the Back-Seat-Of-The-Car-Conversation With Your Daughter


想在放学后和你女儿聊聊天? 十大最好的网赌平台’s Director of 入学 and Enrollment Sara Stephenson, who has 24 years of experience in independent schools and is a mother of two boys, 要知道,汽车后座上的谈话是关键. 在这里,她提供了更多行之有效的成功秘诀.



4 ways to engage your daughter about her school day | 十大最好的网赌平台

Want to start a meaningful conversation with your daughter after school? 十大最好的网赌平台’s Director of 入学 and Enrollment Sara Stephenson, who has 24 years of experience in independent schools and is a mother of two, knows that getting children to open up takes work but is also well worth the effort. She recently shared her insight into engaging your daughter about her day.


10 Children's Books to Read with Your Daughter Before School Starts

10 Children's Books to Read with Your Daughter Before School Starts | 十大最好的网赌平台 School

十大最好的网赌平台 Library Assistant Ginger Dixon recommends ten children’s books that parents can use to spark meaningful conversations with their daughters. From lessons on perseverance and responsibility to celebrations of kindness and self-acceptance, these titles provide a fun and accessible way to share life lessons. 




5 Reasons Why Your Daughter Needs an Early Start at 十大最好的网赌平台

Arpit Sharma and Deepti Joshi recently shared why enrolling their daughter Adya ’29 in the 较低的学校 from a young age has given her an unmatched foundation and joy for learning.



阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. We consider for admission 学生 of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.